Typewriter Tarot-Scopes: December 2023

By Madeleine Gunhart

As the year comes to a close, many of us in the Northern Hemisphere experience a season of twinkling lights, rich indulgences, and good cheer, all intended to help us stave off the darkness and cold.

But I’ve come to appreciate December as a time to embrace the darkness, to curl up and take a look within. Who am I without my external trappings? 

Barren winter trees may seem desolate at first, but they often allow us to see far beyond our normal view, giving us space to soak up the full expanse of the sky, the mountains, and anything else on the horizon.

Between the hustle and bustle (and familial reunions) of this season, I crave moments of stark clarity and quiet observation. With that in mind, I’ve pulled some cards to offer a collective message for our month ahead. What message do these three archetypes wish to communicate? What I see is: Bolster (and honor) your fighting spirit. 

Nine of Fire from The Enchanted Förhäxa Tarot, The Squirrel and Chestnut from Woodland Wardens oracle deck, and Princess of Swords from The Cosmic Slumber Tarot.

But let’s take a closer look!

Nine of Fire (from The Enchanted Förhäxa Tarot) acknowledges that the battles we’ve faced have taken a toll. But this fiery warrior also speaks to our resilience and the strength that has allowed us to survive. You have made it to the end of the year, through a forest that felt dark and unforgiving. You may be a bit battered and bruised, but your inner strength burns bright. Everything you’ve been through this year has made you savvier, more skilled, and determined to fight for the things that matter to you. 

The Squirrel and Chestnut (from Woodland Wardens oracle deck) represents preparation and abundance. This diligent squirrel urges us to work now so we have reserves to draw from later. Traditionally, earthly creatures like us spend this time of year gathering physical resources. Take some time to gather your emotional and mental resources too. Many of us experience some degree of stress as families come together for end-of-year gatherings. How can you bolster yourself to prepare for inclement emotional weather? Some ideas: a meditation practice, an empowering mantra, or rehearsed answers to the difficult/annoying questions and comments that often come up during holiday gatherings.

Princess of Swords (from The Cosmic Slumber Tarot) encourages jumping into new situations and attitudes with enthusiasm. This princess may not have mastered swordplay yet, but she knows that hands-on experience is an adept teacher. Don’t forget fortitude and fierceness. Own them and honor them. If using your voice and standing your ground is new to you, don’t fear. It’s never too late to forge that inner fire. You are constantly in the process of becoming your boldest self (whatever this means to you!). Work on honoring yourself and your opinions above those who try to douse your flames.

As I look at these three cards together, I want to encourage you to seek clarity this holiday season by honoring your skills and strength, and utilizing all the tools in your arsenal to defend and empower your glorious self. Take some time to look within, stoke your fire, and fill your quiver with arrows carved from your personal truth and vibrant spirit. For a more personalized reading, find your December Tarot-Scope below!

December Tarot-Scopes

For each zodiac sign, I’ve pulled a card from The Enchanted Förhäxa Tarot to give you a message of support, inspiration, and intention for the month of December. Feel free to read the Tarot-Scope for your sun, moon, and rising signs, or stick with the one that resonates most for you. Each Tarot-Scope provides an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt to help you further connect with your monthly message.

Queen of Fire, Page of Water, and The Devil from The Enchanted Förhäxa Tarot by MJ Cullinane.

Sagittarius — Queen of Fire: In this month of cold and darkness, own your fiery nature. Throughout your life, you have absorbed the light of those you have admired, and with that you have grown illuminated wings. It’s time to take flight and soar into a confidence that is completely your own. Unburden yourself of expectations thrust upon you by others, even the ones that were presented as gifts. You know who you are and what you love, Sagittarius. Own it all. Those who are meant to be by your side will flock to your vibrant light. For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Set a timer for five minutes, and write down as many external expectations or social pressures weighing on you as you can. Read through your list, acknowledging each one, and then, if you’re able to do so SAFELY, burn the list (or rip it up while imagining a cleansing flame). Pull a Tarot card afterwards to discover how you can spread your wings.

Capricorn — Page of Water: Dearest Capricorn, I know it’s tempting to schedule out the remainder of your year for maximum efficiency and productivity. I’m going to challenge you to leave room for surprise and spontaneous delight. Don’t keep your nose so buried in your plan that you miss the pleasures around you. Playfulness and wide-eyed wonder are not wastes of your time; they’re essential for a well-balanced life. Invite three things to the table this holiday season: goofiness, gratitude, and giddiness. For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Pull two cards — one that examines your biggest block in enjoying spontaneity, and one that illuminates your way through that block. Then, create a silly doodle illustrating what you’ve learned. Keep it fun, and don’t try to make it perfect!

Aquarius — The Devil: This time of year can bring a flood of nostalgia, but it can also trigger complicated memories and urges to regress. Don’t let your past chain you. Who you were will always be a part of you, but just that — a part. You may run into folks who expect you to be a static image of who you used to be instead of embracing the warm-blooded, dynamic being you are — and you are indeed a magnificent beast, Aquarius! The ways you’ve changed over time have only made you more beautiful, fangs and all. Don’t apologize for who you are, and don’t feel like you have to slip into an old skin that no longer fits. Embrace your entire self, not just the bits that others find palatable. For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Pick three of your former selves (for example: preschool self, 16-year-old self, self that backpacked through Barcelona) and draw a card for each, asking for a message to guide you through this month. Write down the messages in their “voices” (if you’re having trouble with this, try remembering how you spoke at that time in your life — there’s no wrong way to do this). Then, thank each of your selves and respond with a quick (or long!) message from your current self.

The Lovers, Four of Fire, and Page of Earth from The Enchanted Förhäxa Tarot by MJ Cullinane.

Pisces — The Lovers: Pisces, you may have often filled the role of the smoother, the facilitator, the watery presence that helps everyone else’s life flow smoothly, mostly likely to your own detriment. Yes, you have the spiritual sight that allows you to empathize with others, but your needs matter just as much. This month, I challenge you to disrupt your people-pleasing tendencies. It might seem daunting, but you don’t have to completely change overnight. For the next few weeks, focus on making decisions that benefit you. Before you make a decision, pause. Are you on autopilot, swerving towards the choice you anticipate others want you to make? STOP! It might take practice, but locate the part of you that knows what YOU want. Listen to this voice, then give it what it craves. I know you worry that acting out of your own interest is like taunting a snake to bite. But I think you’ll soon discover that the pleasure and freedom of honoring your heart is more fulfilling than martyrdom could ever be. For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Get comfortable in a quiet, private space. Close your eyes, taking three deep breaths in and out. Take your time with this. Try to gradually relax your body, top to bottom. Ask yourself: Where is the part of me that knows what it wants? Be patient as you wait for a response and listen to whatever comes. Once you get an answer, continue to ask this part of yourself what you’d like to know. For example, How can I better connect with you? Or, how do I know when it’s you who’s speaking? Sit with the answers. When you’re ready and satisfied, take three deep breaths and slowly tap back into your physical body (you can start by wiggling your toes).

Aries — Four of Fire: We often think of winter as a time of death and stillness, but any time of year can facilitate a rebirth. What if, instead of simply reflecting on how you’ve changed this year, you celebrate the process of transformation? Better yet, what if you do so with the friends and loved ones who played a critical role in helping you traverse those transitions? Whether it’s “thank you” texts (preferably loaded with emojis), a themed playlist, or sugar cookies decorated with mantras written in icing, use this month to toast your year and the people who helped you journey through it. Feel free to ditch the solemn end-of-year musings in favor of a (very Aries) joyful rumpus! For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Write a toast to yourself! Congratulate yourself on everything you accomplished, overcame, or discovered this year, and be specific! Nothing is too small. Be sure to include a sentence or two acknowledging each of those who helped you through this year. Once your toast is complete, read it aloud to yourself, share it with friends, or even tape it to your mirror to help you remember all you’ve done and everyone who supports you.

Taurus — Page of Earth: As the year closes, lean into your earthly energy — your practicality and your penchant for facilitating beautiful blooms. Hearing about others’ New Year’s resolutions can be tiresome or even anxiety-inducing. But as you peer into your year ahead, do so with Taurean flair. Instead of thinking about what you should do to make your life more productive, dream up how you can make your life more beautiful and pleasurable. Focus on habits, projects, and plans that excite and illuminate you. And remember — you don’t have to start from scratch. Think about how you can transfer your current skills and interests into whatever’s next for you. Work smarter, not harder, and make sure to leave plenty of time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. After all, what’s the point of growing succulent apples if you never take a bite? For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Pull six cards. Create two columns with three cards each. The first column represents visions of pleasures you can incorporate into your new year. The second column shows what current skills or knowledge you possess that can help you bring your visions to life. Reflect on what the cards illuminate for you, either by journaling, creating a digital vision board, or sketching out scenes of your coming year in colored pencil.

Eight of Air, Six of Water, and Three of Air from The Enchanted Förhäxa Tarot by MJ Cullinane.

Gemini — Eight of Air: Gemini, don’t let your love of being involved and supportive trap you in a web of obligation and exhaustion. You don’t have to commit to every opportunity to help or show up for every gathering you’re invited to. Some mindset shifts may be helpful to free you from the pressure of doing it all: Remember that the thinner you spread yourself, the less you have to offer. People are often a lot more forgiving and understanding than we imagine them to be (and those who aren’t need a mindset adjustment of their own). Try your best to free yourself from the need to be superhuman, showing up for everyone all the time. Instead, commit to showing up according to your (honest!) capacity, keeping an eye on your fuel gauge. You’re committed to being there for the people you love; make sure one of those people is YOU. For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Explore your own needs! Draw a simple diagram of yourself (stick figures or gingerbread-person shapes are perfect). Pick at least four parts to focus on and draw a card for each. These can be parts we already personify (the heart and the mind), parts you can create your own symbolism for (ears — how can I better listen?), or physical sensations (bad back, antsy feet). Ask the cards what each identified part would like or need this month. On your diagram, write down the wisdom from the cards in the appropriate body spots. If you like, pull one final card, asking “How can I best implement this wisdom?”

Cancer — Six of Water: December can often be a wondrous time for children, with all the lights, sounds, and sensory delights of the holidays. Try to recapture some of that for yourself this month, Cancer. No matter your relationship with the phrase “inner child,” there’s a piece of your young self that lives within you. This month, spoil them a bit and help them (and current you!) remember how wondrous the world can be. You can explore this by treating yourself to something you loved as a child, or give the child in you an experience they didn’t get to have but desperately wanted. Focus on feelings of joy, comfort, and wonder — whether that’s enjoying a nostalgic sugary snack or telling Little You the words you always longed to hear. For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Remove The Sun from your deck and place it in front of you. Set a timer for two minutes. Use that time to study the card, letting whatever thoughts and impressions come up as they will. Then, divide a piece of paper in half with a fold or line, creating two columns: Happy Memories and Unfulfilled Wishes. Set another timer for five minutes, using the time to fill out both columns from the perspective of your childhood self. Don’t censor yourself, write down anything that comes to mind, no matter how silly or strange the thoughts may feel. Once you’re done, circle at least three words or phrases you could see yourself bringing into reality this month. Commit to doing at least one.

Leo — Three of Air: Lively Leo, you may feel pressured to constantly be a vivacious, sunny presence, but even mighty lions need to lick their wounds. This month, go inward and explore the shadowy woods within. Resist the urge to ostracize or shame the part of you that bleeds. That part of you isn’t weak or lesser, and is just as deserving of love as your bright exterior. Sit with your fresh wounds, your scars, your insecurities, and worries. Approach them with understanding and an open mind, being cautious that you don’t slip into pity. Your hurts deserve to be heard and tended to. Even if you can’t heal them quite yet, just acknowledging them, breathing with them, and validating their presence can shine a little light into the thicket of trees. For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Create a comfortable and sacred space, perhaps a cozy seat with dim lighting, and then light a candle. Breathe deeply, sending the breath through your entire body. If you’d like, put on a piece or music or playlist that elicits strong emotion. Pull three cards. The first reveals a hurt that would like to be heard. The second explains what the hurt would like to say. The third is a suggestion from the hurt as to how you can move forward as a partner and friend to this part of yourself.

The Fool, Five of Water, and Four of Air from The Enchanted Förhäxa Tarot by MJ Cullinane.

Virgo — The Fool: When was the last time you stopped to smell the roses? Between all the planning and analyzing and problem-solving, it’s easy to let the “insignificant” details pass you by. But as you and I both know, nothing is insignificant. This month I challenge you to reorganize priorities. Don’t fret, Virgo, you don’t have to throw out your to-do list. Though maybe you can add to it. Schedule in some time to be mindful and present. See the world with fresh eyes, simply by paying attention. Go on a walk without distractions like conversation, podcasts, or deep thought. What do you notice? Bird song? Your neighbor’s pug snuffling in the grass? Music coming from someone’s car stereo? Notice the temperature of the air, the way the scent changes as you move from area to area. Alternatively, practice mindfulness during your morning meal or beverage break. Make a commitment to noticing, enjoying, and letting your eyes be wide, if only for a few minutes a day. For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Do a mindfulness ritual with tea (or another beverage). Sit in a comfortable position with your drink. Journey through the five senses, taking your time with each. For example: Touch — how does the mug feel in your hands? What’s the temperature, the texture? How does the drink feel on your tongue? 

Libra — Five of Water: When you strive for perfection, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and to despair at anything that isn’t going to plan. Libra, I know you value social equilibrium and immaculate aesthetics. But please don’t put so much focus on each individual detail that you lose sight of the big picture. If you’re attending gatherings this month, it may be tempting to make sure everyone gets along or fuss over things like decorations. Try not to despair if Grandpa Joe gets grumpy at dinner, if the first batch of rolls burn, or if that one shelf was missed by the duster. I’m not telling you to ignore your feelings! But perhaps focus on internal equilibrium. Listen to your feelings and thank them, but don’t let them run the show. Disappointment over details is only natural when you’re trying to make the world as peaceful and beautiful as it can be. Experience this disappointment, honor it, and let it slide. One wilted flower should not ruin your experience of the entire field. For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Craft a mantra that will help you get through any speed bumps you experience this month. Pull a Tarot or oracle card as an inspiration point. Write down at least 10 potential mantras, perhaps trying them on for size and adjusting as necessary until you find one that speaks to you. Repeat this mantra to yourself each day at a chosen time. Say it while you wash your hair, after you meditate, while you sit in traffic — whatever works for you. Make it a familiar and comforting thought, and don’t be afraid to pull it out at the first sign of stress.

Scorpio — Four of Air: Rest, Scorpio, rest! The impulse to keep going, to see what’s next, to scale the next peak, will always be pulsing through your veins. But if you don’t slow down and let yourself recharge every now and then, you may become so fatigued that you start slipping downwards. You ascended a mountain of accomplishment this year, even if it’s hard for you to recognize. So, set up camp and enjoy the view. Instead of looking towards what’s next, try to experience what is, checking in with your watery depths. Nourish your body, your soul, your mind — perhaps with good food, spiritual rituals, and art (books, classical paintings, superhero movies, whatever feeds your imagination or stimulates your curiosity). Indulge, replenish, and celebrate. You deserve it, and you’ll need your strength for the next mountain you’re itching to climb. For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Pull the 9 of Pentacles from your deck. Study the card, noting the energy and emotions it brings up in you. Then, pull three more cards, asking them to help you explore how to nourish your mind, body, and soul (one for each card). Plan one activity for each of these three aspects to complete this month.


If you’d like to purchase any of the decks featured in this post, we invite you to do so via the links here — The Enchanted Förhäxa Tarot, Woodland Wardens oracle deck, and The Cosmic Slumber Tarot — or elsewhere in the post, which are hosted through our Bookshop.org affiliate page. This is our online book shop, featuring decks and books to support your growth, inspiration, creativity, and magic — hosted through Bookshop.org, a company that directs revenue and other support to independent bookstores across the United States. When you purchase from our Bookshop.org affiliate shop, a portion of your purchase supports Typewriter Tarot as well, helping us continue and expand our work. In our bookshop, you’ll find curated collections on Tarot, creativity, psychology, social justice, ecology, and more — hundreds of books to bring more magic to your life and your library. If you choose to purchase from our shop, we thank you!


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About Madeleine Gunhart

Madeleine Gunhart is a writer, witch, and Tarot reader from Seattle. She enjoys helping folks connect with themselves through empathetic Tarot readings and writing empowering stories for young readers. You can find her on the site formerly known as Twitter at @madgunhart and Instagram at @madeleinegunhart.